Everyone has a big Idea something they would like to build on or something that made them mount to a greater level. They are passionate individual, they take up challenges and risk, they believe they can make it and YES they make it.
Great people like Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs had some great ideas that made them went global, why and what did they do?...
This page will feature stories on the journey of great entrepreneurs like you who believed in something and turned it to something. Something that we all admire and soon will go global.
Our aim is to create a future online TV and magazine, but for now you will hear and read great stories of people who's great ideas and are making a big difference in there countries and even in the world. what is the stories behind their success and failures.
We all have Big dreams and we can always make it big if we can learn from others.
Our writers of this blog will have a chance to interview International and diverse entrepreneurs and business leaders who's stories will be a learning ground for all of us. Kindly join this blog and you will learn on a greater deal. We welcome your comments or simply write to us on yourbigideatv@gmail.com

This first post is from Kenya. My name is Calvin Jodisi, a social entrepreneur and a global citizen, I am Your Big Year Ambassador, One Young World Ambassador, World Youth Parliament member and the founder of Change Mind Change Future. www.changemindchangefuture.org